We have released Build 0936 for Xftp on April 01, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The update notes are as follows: Xftp 5 Build 0936, April 01, 2016 MOD: Removed license notification when closing Free Versions MOD: Restart time changed after changing program language FIX: Import from CSV file errors FIX: Transfer window unintentionally disappears at times FIX: Unable to copy to Desktop using Drag&Drop (more…)
We have released Build 0922/0928 for Xmanager Enterprise on March 09, 2016 and March 11, 2016 respectively. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The full updates notes can be found below: Xmanager Enterprise 5 Build 0928, March 11, 2016 FIX: [Xshell] Multibyte characters are not displayed properly in the previous build 0922 Xmanager Enterprise 5 Build 0922, March 09, 2016 ADD: [Xshell] Expanded logging format ADD: [Xshell] Can now open the log file and folder directly…
We have released Build 0940/0946 for Xshell on March 09, 2016 and March 11, 2016 respectively. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The full updates notes can be found below: Xshell 5 Build 0946, March 11, 2016 FIX: Multibyte characters are not displayed properly in the previous build 0940 Xshell 5 Build 0940, March 09, 2016 ADD: Expanded logging format ADD: Shortcut keys for several session properties, e.g., enabling meta key, switching to Unicode,…
We have released Build 0910 for Xlpd on March 09, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The update notes are as follows: Xlpd 5 Build 0910, March 09, 2016 ADD: Added Extended Validation (EV) code signing to package FIX: Language selected during installation not applied to the program
We have released Build 0735 on March 09, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The full updates notes can be found below: Xmanager 5 Build 0735, March 09, 2016 ADD: Added Extended Validation (EV) code signing to package MOD: Access control is now enabled by default FIX: Creating a session when user folder does not have access rights causes Xstart to crash FIX: Language selected during installation not applied to the program
We have released Build 0912 for Xftp on March 09, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The update notes are as follows: Xftp 5 Build 0912, March 09, 2016 ADD: Added Extended Validation (EV) code signing to package FIX: Language selected during installation not applied to the program FIX: Transmission ceases when opening the context menu of the transfer queue FIX: Unable to access special local paths
We have released Build 0691 on February 04, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The full updates notes can be found below: Xmanager 5 Build 0691, February 04, 2016 ADD: Start Xagent manually from menu FIX: In Xstart the key passphrase of Public Key Authentication is not saved FIX: Copy and Paste on Changing Focus option does not function when using Open in New Tab
We have released Build 0896 for Xshell on February 04, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The full updates notes can be found below: Xshell 5 Build 0896, February 04, 2016 MOD: User files now stored in %APPDATA% when Documents folder does not exist FIX: %d is not parsed correctly in the logging path of a session file. FIX: Adjusted focused and non-focused tab colors to be more aesthetic FIX: Crash when deleting multiple…
We have released Build 0866 for Xlpd on February 04, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The update notes are as follows: Xlpd 5 Build 0866, February 04, 2016 FIX: Resource Cleanup
We have released Build 0868 for Xftp on February 04, 2016. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The update notes are as follows: Xftp 5 Build 0868, February 04, 2016 ADD: Start Xagent manually from menu FIX: CLS user information is not displayed correctly FIX: Crash when opening Windows Home Group folders from within the local tab FIX: Error when Documents folder does not exist FIX: Session properties resource cleanup FIX: Unable to…
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