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Session Converter Update

By Wednesday June 29th, 2016July 30th, 2020Tips & Tricks

We’ve made an update to our Session Converter tool. You can now select the desired directory into which you want to save your session.

You can find the Session Converter tool on our tech support page here:

The tool supports putty, SecureCRT 8, and ZOC 7 session files and extracts the session name, host, port, and user name to be converted to an Xshell session file. The password is not extracted.

Below, we’ll briefly go over how to utilize the Session Converter to convert a Putty session file to an Xshell session file.

As you can see above, other than the Default Settings session, there exists 3 sessions in Putty.

In the Session Converter, click the Putty Import button and select where you’d like to save your session files.



The sessions have successfully been imported into Xshell!

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