How to Transfer Files Directly Between Servers using FXP
Direct server to server files transfer requires FXP (File eXchange Protocol). It transfers files from the source server to the destination server without saving files to a local storage. FXP is vulnerable to open FTP bounce attacks and in many cases it is disabled by default. To enable FXP for your FTP server, please check the system manual.
Once FXP is enabled, open Xftp and connect to destination and source servers. At this point, FXP should be enabled on both servers. Then, drag one of the tabs to the edge of the Xftp window. This creates a new tab group and you can view two remote server tabs side by side. Drag a file from the source folder to the destination folder. In the Transfer pane, you can see that the Left or Right arrow icons. This indicates that the files are transferred directly from the source server to the destination server instead of being saved in the local storage first.
Server to Server File Transfer without FXP
In case FXP is not allowed by the system administrator or the FTP server does not support FXP, you can still transfer files the same way you would when using FXP. The only difference is that the files are saved in the temporary local directory first before being uploaded to the destination server.