We’ve released our fourth update for our Version 6 Open Beta on January 19, 2018. To update click the Help tab in the file menu and select Check for Updates. The release notes are as follows:
Xmanager Enterprise 6 Beta Build 0103
- ADD: [Xmanager] 5 button mouse support
- ADD: [Xshell] Ability to mouse select by blank space (Shift+DoubleClick)
- ADD: [Xshell] Added the xsh.Screen.CurrentRowInScreen variable
- ADD: [Xshell] Can now select whether Enter or Shift+Enter sends strings from the Compose Pane
- ADD: [Xshell] Support for Italic and Invisible attributes in terminal code
- ADD: [Xshell] Support for login script for LOCAL session files
- ADD: [Xftp] Xshell called from Xftp opens in the current directory
- MOD: [Xmanager] Xkeyboard extension enabled by default
- MOD: [Xshell] Able to reposition Quick Commands in the Quick Commands Pane with a drag and drop
- MOD: [Xshell] Assigned a shortcut key for the Session Manager’s search box
- MOD: [Xshell] Assigned shortcut keys for certain frequently used commands
- MOD: [Xshell] Tab key can now be used to navigate through the session list in the Session Manager
- MOD: [Xftp] Connection information displayed in address bar after session connection
- MOD: [Xftp] Option to set focus to exclude extension when renaming files
- MOD: [All] Added Build number to Title Bar
- MOD: [All] Changed Xtransport parameter ‘Xbrowser’ to ‘Xmanager’
- FIX: [Xmanager] A duplicate session name does not trigger a warning and a session is created
- FIX: [Xmanager] Crash when Xstart session’s name includes unprocessable special characters
- FIX: [Xmanager] Crash when an open folder is deleted from outside of Xmanager
- FIX: [Xmanager] Crash when saving a Broadcast session under a different name
- FIX: [Xmanager] Issue when Xshell LOCAL connection sessions are processed by Xmanager
- FIX: [Xmanager] The broadcast expand button disappears at times in the Session Manager
- FIX: [Xmanager] Xshell or Xftp sessions open in a new window instead of the current window
- FIX: [Xmanager] Xstart at times creates a nameless session
- FIX: [Xshell] Able to save a renamed user key with no name
- FIX: [Xshell] Certain special characters truncated in the terminal
- FIX: [Xshell] Crash after inputting Master Password
- FIX: [Xshell] Cursor preview not properly displayed when using blinking cursor
- FIX: [Xshell] Exit command closes the tab but focus is not sent to the next tab
- FIX: [Xshell] Port number mistakenly added to SERIAL sessions
- FIX: [Xshell] Prompt block size does not match with the corresponding font size
- FIX: [Xshell] Restarting Xshell with a recovered session causes the session tab to disappear
- FIX: [Xshell] Session files created in the Local Shell using the ‘new’ command do not contain a host
- FIX: [Xshell] Sessions saved from the current session affects the current session’s properties
- FIX: [Xshell] Simultaneously sending the open command to multiple Local Shells causes Xshell not to respond
- FIX: [Xshell] Smart Select button not functioning in the Local Shell
- FIX: [Xshell] System alarm sounds when closing Xftp with a connected host
- FIX: [Xshell] Unable to change theme from Simple View’s context menu
- FIX: [Xshell] Unable to connect to session in subfolders using Local Shell’s autocomplete
- FIX: [Xshell] Unable to get command history from cmd ran in the Local Shell
- FIX: [Xshell] View session tab shortcut not functioning in full screen mode
- FIX: [Xshell] When focus is on the terminal a key mapping for ‘Move to Compose Pane’ is not recognized
- FIX: [Xshell] When selected a black and white color scheme, all colors appear as the foreground color
- FIX: [Xshell] Xshell not closing when attempting to close from title bar
- FIX: [Xftp] Clicking a folder in the folder tree of a disconnected session does not initiate a connection
- FIX: [Xftp] Error occurs even if local folder’s path is correctly inputted into session file
- FIX: [Xftp] Folder list not refreshing when renaming files locally
- FIX: [Xftp] Folder tree disappears at times
- FIX: [Xftp] Group IDs in remote file properties showing duplicates
- FIX: [Xftp] Icon color issue when making SFTP connection from address bar
- FIX: [Xftp] Removed an unnecessary close button for Synchronized Browsing
- FIX: [Xftp] Sessions created in the Open Window’s subfolders also creates a session in the parent folder
- FIX: [Xftp] Warning message when attempting to send to queue from empty folder tree
- FIX: [Xftp] When closing a tab during Synchronized Browsing the Synchronized Browsing status bar remains
- FIX: [All] Folder icon displayed improperly in Dark theme