With the June 3rd, 2019 build release we are introducing Experimental Features in our software. Experimental features allow you to test certain features we are currently developing before they are officially incorporated and released in our software.. Xmanager Power Suite 6 Build 0018 Xmanager 6 Build 0117 Xshell Plus 6 Build 0018 Xshell 6 Build 0123 Xftp 6 Build 0117 The reason for implementing Experimental Features is so that we can collect and incorporate user feedback before the features’ official…
Overview Windows 10 provides an SSH server for developers to remotely access the local CMD console using the SSH protocol. We’ll go over how you can achieve this below. Installing the SSH Service Enable Developer Mode Navigate to Settings -> Update and Security -> For developers. Select ‘Developer mode’ under ‘Use developer features’ Enable the SSH Proxy Service Run the services.msc command Confirm Firewall Settings To allows external connections you’ll need to allows SSH Services in your Windows Firewall. Use the…
Overview Windows 10 Fall Creator’s Update officially introduced the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Unlike the simple BASH shell support in previous versions, this is an actual entire Linux system. This article will describe how to interact with the Windows Subsystem for Linux using Xmanager. Installation of the WSL has been covered in a previous blog post which is linked below. (If you know what you’re doing and only want the quick step-by-steps, scroll down to Basic Step-by-Step Guide near the bottom)…
Using Xshell’s Highlight feature you can change the color or background color of text in the terminal output. This can be convenient to check for desired string outputs, monitoring error messages, etc. Desired highlights are organized within Highlight Sets. If you have a large number of keywords to highlight within one session, it can consume a large portion of your system’s resources. This is especially true if the scrollback buffer is large. This is because the system needs to check…
Overview The following article will be a comprehensive guide for setting up and using the Linux Subsystem in Windows 10 with Xshell. (If you know what you’re doing and only want the quick step-by-steps, scroll down to Quick Deployment Guide near the bottom). Using the SSH protocol, you can connect to the Windows system by either installing the SSH server program for Windows or you can take advantage of the Linux Subsystem recently provided in Windows 10. This subsystem was initially supported…
A couple weeks ago, we went over how to establish a centralized git repository management system with Gitlab. Today, we’ll go over how to access the git server via SSH with Xshell. In order to follow this guide, you’ll need git, Tortoisegit (git client Wrapper), and Xshell. You can download them from their respective official websites: Git: https://git-scm.com/ Tortoisegit: https://tortoisegit.org/ Xshell: www.netsarang.com Note: You must select Openssh Client when installing Tortoisegit. Reboot your system after installing git and Tortoisegit Registering an SSH Public Key…
What is Gitlab? Gitlab is respository manager developed by Gitlab, Inc. Gitlab provides easy access control, code reviews, issue tracking, activity feeds, wiki, and continuous integration. Tens of thousands of organizations currently use Gitlab to manage their repositories. Compared to other SaaS (github, bitbucket), Gitlab allows you to host the repos on your own servers. This is crucial when you need to manage git while access to an external network environment is restricted. Most importantly, Gitlab becomes a means of implementing a…
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