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[Xshell] Jump Host

By Wednesday July 31st, 2019August 6th, 2019Features

We’ve added a Jump Post feature in Xshell 6 Build 0146 released on July 31, 2019.

The Jump Host feature is a proxy feature that allows you to utilize an intermediate SSH server in order to reach the final destination server. As it uses Open-SSH’s TCP Tunneling, this feature can be used to connect to servers that cannot directly connect to the firewall or network configuration. Also, this feature is implemented at the SSH protocol level, and as such, a shell is not required to be running at the intermediate proxy sever.

This feature is an “Experimental Feature” and it has no UI. It can be utilized through Local Shell commands or through a Local Shell session.

Xmanager Power Suite 6 Build 0019
Xshell Plus 6 Build 0019
Xshell 6 Build 0146

Turning On the Jump Host Feature

First, navigate to Help -> Experimental Features and opt into the ‘Jump Host Parameter’ feature.

As mentioned above, there are two methods to utilize this feature:

  • Use the -J parameter in the Local Shell
  • Use a Local Shell session

Using the -J parameter in the Local Shell

In the Local Shell, enter the ‘ssh /?’ command to see the ssh command’s user manual.

The jump_host format is the same as a regular URL’s format. If you need to go through multiple jump hosts before hitting the final destination, you can separate them using a comma(,):

ssh -J user1:passwd1@jump_host1,user2:passwd2@jump_host2 destination_host

Using a Local Shell Session File

Another method of using the Jump Host feature is to create a Local Shell session file and specify the above command in your login script. Please see the images below:

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